Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Example Of Utilitarian Theory

Utilitarianism is a general term for any view that holds that actions and policies should be evaluated on the basis of the benefits and costs they will impose on society. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) is generally considered the founder of traditional utilitarianism. Over the years, the principle of utilitarianism has been expanded and refined so that today there are many variations of the principle. For example, Bentham defined benefits and harms in terms of pleasure and pain. Today utilitarians often describe benefits and harms in terms of the satisfaction of personal preferences or in purely economic terms.

So, we can know Utilitarian theory is the theory that measure an action that can be told right or wrong based on the level of benefit which is earning from the action compared to cost which must be released. In any situation, the right actions or policies are giving the biggest benefit or smallest cost. In other word, an action is right from an ethical point of view if the total of utilities produced by that act is greater than the total of utilities produced by any other act, but this does not mean the right action ie. The action that produce the biggest utility for all people that is influenced by the action (include the people that conduct the action)

An example of utilitarian that can we see at product system of the cooking oil “Bimoli”. As we have known that this product represents the cooking oil which is used a lot by society. This cooking oil Product can be told as product which its price is reachable for society. According to information which I get, initially its production runs well and according to procedure. But, then there is deviation to use raw material. This matter is happened with the reason of existence of global economics crisis resulting raw material production is more expensive and its implication to profit wanted by the cooking oil product management down. So that they wish to lessen the production cost by using not quite the ticket raw material. Of course this matter results the existence of medical impact and material loss for consumer.

We can also take from everyday life, for example the ice cream peddler. We can see a lot the ice-cream peddler which does not use the pure sugar anymore, because sugar price is too expensive. To lessen the cost released, they use the sugar gist which its price is cheaper. Ice-Cream has become the society exasperation, especially children.So,it is not surprising a lot of people to buy ice-cream, and surely, when it is hot.

The action above, is unethical ,because equal to cheat the consumers, but if the salers are honesty to use pure sugar, the benefit which obtain does not meet the cost which they must release. If only they increased the ice-cream price, there would be no buyer interested at the price of which on the market. Beside that, this action can harm the consumer’s health, with the substance used. So , as consumer we have to be more careful in buying.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Opinion About The California First Lady Violation

Consistency of California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger in upholding law is being examined. Maria Shriver , his wife, The California's first lady, was cought in act to violated the law, she is using handphone while driving car.

The celebrity Web site, dated oct 13, 2009 posted two photographs showing Shriver is holding a phone to her ear while she's behind the wheel. It says one was snapped on Sunday and the other was in July.

The Web site later added a video it said was shot on Tuesday in Brentwood, where the family lives. It showed Shriver was holding a cell phone to her ear while driving a large SUV that appeared to be a Cadillac Escalade. She then put the phone down while the camera was rolling.

According to me, the action by Maria Shriver does not show as a a good California first lady. She violated its state law. That is even made and ratified by her husband himself. Of course this matter gives the bad image for governance. Actually, Maria as wife from of a governor can exemplify for the society.

A law that took effect in July 2008 requires California drivers to use a handsfree device when talking on cell phones. Since then, the California Highway Patrol has issued more than 150,000 citations. That figure does not include citations issued by local police. Drivers who are spotted by law enforcement officers holding a cell phone to their ear are subject to fines of at least $20 for the first ticket and $50 for subsequent tickets, plus additional fees. In Los Angeles County, where Brentwood is located, the Superior Court has set the cost at about $93 for the first ticket and $201 for the next one, meaning Shriver would owe at least $300 in fines and court fees had she been caught by police.

Schwarzenegger has previously praised the regulation and said he warned his then-16-year-old daughter that if she ever violated the law, "she'll be taking the bus." this matter becomes the cuffing blow ossify for Schwarzenegger. Its Consistency to uphold the law tested by his own wife.

On his Twitter feed, Schwarzenegger wrote to founder Harvey Levin: "Thanks for bringing her violations to my attention. Then her husband - the same Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger who signed the ban on hand-held cellphone use - promises "swift action" against her. Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear says that by "swift action," the governor means he'll ask his wife not to hold the phone while driving.

As the report says, finally, Maria issues a public apology- but no promise to buy a Bluetooth or other hands-free device . she said she would donate her favorite old cellphone to a program run by Verizon that helps domestic violence shelters.

However, Maria Shriver has been punished according to applicable law, although she is a wife of a governor. It means Shriver owes equal to US$ 93 for the first collision , and US$ 201 for the second collision, it must be more than US$ 300.

So, The rule And applicable law have to be upheld, even for anyone, or his wife. In other word, somebody that has violated the law has to be punished based on the applicable law of State, without seeing the status, caste, tribe, religion, and also cognation. This matter of very important, in order that no more crime commited against the law.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Qory Sandioriva

History incised. Acehnese girl bleed the Gayo, Qory Sandioriva, succeeding to discrown Putri Indonesia 2009 at night of election of the 14th Putri Indonesia at the Tanah Airku Theatre, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah(TMMI), on Friday,oct 9, 2009. The victory was the first for Aceh delegation during taking part the beauty contest which was carried out by Putri Indonesia foundation. But, elected Qory as Putri Indonesia became controversy, Qory became the first contestant of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam province, which did not use veil when she taking part Putri Indonesia 2009. According to Master of ceremony, Charles Bona Sirait, since 2003 the contestant from Aceh was used to dressing muslim.

According to me, action of Qory to taking off her veil in election of Putri Indonesia was not wise. She took off the veil was only to shw the beauty of her hair. This means she intent to show her nakedness. In fact, a muslim women must cover their nakedness. Like Allah SWT command in Al-Quran, Qoranic verse An-Nur 31, which we can make the conclusion that obliged for muslim women tor arrest her view, not to show her ornament , except which visible to show like face and hand, and they must close their body with the cowl cloth.

As we have known, Aceh is only one province in Indonesia owning rights to apply the Syariat Islam fully. Since the year 1999, Aceh inch by inch has started to place an institute framework to uphold the Syariat Islam. At present, Aceh has become the sample region applying Syariat Islam in Indonesia. This action by Qory does not show as girl from region applying Syariat islam. Qory, exactly has smirched the islam method which during the time has grown in Aceh province recognized with Serambi Mekkah. Actually, Qory as Aceh delegation can become the example for Aceh woman, also Indonesian women that do not eliminate the identity as girl from region owning Islam culture which is so strong.

Again, Qory lied. At election of putrid Indonesia Qory said tat she took off her veil was for Putri Indonesia. At night of grand final, she said she took off her veil was with permission of Local government NAD. After expressing as Putri Indonesia 2009 and performed to meet the mass media after finishing the event, Qory on the contrary said, when a number of journalist enquired the problem Qory’s comment about veil, student of art prancis Indonesia University replied that she usually does not put on veil. What she does is not really praise from a Putri Indonesia. From early she have lied, how if she run its as Putri Indonesia then.

For her victory, Qary also will become the Indonesian delegation in beauty contest of the world, Miss Universe. Whether when depuziting Indonesia in Miss Universe next year, Qory will dare to use ‘bikini’ as ritual generally election of Miss Universe every year, also like senors before. Just hopefully she can act wiser and does not conceded her grade and nation.

Putri Indonesia is the choice of nation by familiarity of smart, educative and surely is clever in solving nation problem. But unhappily which I see at herself, Qory is smart intellectually, but she is not smart religiously. A delegation from NAD will more proper if she remains put on veil. I’m proud her chosen, but I will be prouder if she wins by putting on veil and show to Indonesia that show is a smart muslim.

As young generation, we do not be imbued easily to west culture oppose against the islam, there are many other still ways to become famous with do not sacrifice the culture and religion. One things we have to know, the beauty is not only assessed from outside, but beauty will have more meaning if outside beauty added that come from pure heart, honest attitude, and also good behavior.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

business ethic

Business Ethics In Society

Various strength and motivation influence the human being behavior, among other things incoming motivation and strength from outside itself ( state, society, group, personal), strength and motivation that arise out from nature ( weather, experienced circumstance, air pollution), also strength and motivation coming from within of human being itself ( nature of human right, mental, spiritual).

Among things which internally influence the personal human being behavior, opinion of human being to him/her self, both for arising from ownself and also opinion accepted from others. In others category include parents, children, family, and other dissimilar everybody and friend which is not defined, therefore sometime many people looking into it as something that worry. Mostly the opinion formed by a system guiding human being in assessing a relation or action, this system referred as " ethics."

Ethics represent a systematic will through using reason to learn the forms of moral and moral choices conducted by somebody in running relation with the others. In discussion about business ethics, approach dot have to be focussed to a certain situation and group, for example environment of technique business evaluate instructed to deed exist in environment having business target.

If ethics word related to business word will become the business ethic. in the following is some defintion of business ethics :

Business ethics is a form of applied ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and business organizations as a whole. Applied ethics is a field of ethics that deals with ethical questions in many fields such as medical, technical, legal and business ethics.

(business ethics). Steade et al (1984: 701) in the book ”Business, Its Natura and Environment And ie Introduction” ”business ethics is ethical standards that concern both the ends and means of business decision making”.

The definition of business Ethics of according to Business & Society - Ethics And Stakeholder Management Caroll & Buchholtz): Ethics is the discipline that deals with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. Ethics can also be regarded as a set of moral principles or values. Morality is a doctrine or system of moral conduct. Moral conduct refers to that which relates to principles of right and wrong in behavior. Business ethics, therefore, is concerned with good and bad or right and wrong behavior that takes place within a business context. Concepts of right and wrong are increasingly being interpreted today to include the more difficult and subtle questions of fairness, justice, and equity.

By reading opinion above, we know that there a lot of definition about business ethic. That is necessary for business perpetrator is how to place the ethics at dimiciling proper in business activity. The duty of business Perpetrator is orient at moral norm. In doing his/her everyday activity is he/she tries to stay in the framework ' ethical', that is whose harmless even also morally.

Common Approach under consideration problem of business ethics can be started by raising question: " whether a company runs business, as legal body, representing legal body of public or privat legal body? This differentiation is needed, because when we look into company as legal body privat, hence company can be considered as subjek law the privat, despitefully, when we look into company as public legal body, hence this circumstance become on the contrary, company have the obligation not merely to its stockholder, but also to society of generally, they have the common obligation to public though they finally profit to be accepted will decrease. According to this view, all decision taken by a company become the object for assessment by society, and have to be canceled if in the reality does not fulfill the standard determined in general.

In everyday business activity is very easy to mention the business ethics, difficult but once to apply it. In business environment which progressively kompetitive, often business ethics left solely for pursue the big advantage and raise money as much as possible. In fact often happen that entrepreneur which always runs its business by conducting action which oppose against the ethics conducting deception, indisposed emulation, insincere business, and conduct the " theft", but have never been caught and become rich. On the contrary, there are entrepreneur running business fully ethics, but later;then have the child suffering from leukemia, and among other things which loss caused by its merger company.

Converse to hit the business ethics, insufficient only with studying theory which is in general embraced a business perpetrator however also require to study the applying and its execution in practicing business, invesment, even in everyday life. In the following is some illustration of concerning ethics practice in so many life facet, is when paid attention to exhaustively will look the symptom strive the evasion realized or not conducted by some of society member :

a. Hateful But Buy, The Case Timor ( Mobnas)

Hateful but buy the project of car ‘Timor’ called the project Mobnas ( national car) by most Indonesian society considered to be project of law smuggling conducted outspokenly, and perhaps conduct collision in various area of law, start from taxation until international law which is the company of indonesia with WTO ( World Trade Organization). But, unanswerable that on the otherhand car Timor is saleable car in the market.

b. Anti Bank - Deposit Pros

When crisis start to knock over the Indonesia, many people screaming anti konglomerat but on the otherhand some of them race to money deposit in bank own the konglomerat. When expressed the case opening badness bank in Indonesia, most of all people look into cynically to bank own the konglomerat and assume that the bank represent one of economics crisis of Indonesia. But on the otherhand, in large numbers people enter their money in the deposit because of high interest at that time.

c. Hate The Company, Buy the Share

Other Example is there are numbers of people who suggest for not smoking, a lot hate the cigarette, but we see the fact that company share of cigarette have the biggest capitalisasion Stock Exchange, and people race to buy the company share of cigarette.

d. Child Exploitation In Business - advertisement, entertainment amusement, film

For a while most of all people scream about children protection, in advertisement on television use children progressively. Exploit the child still represent the very matter seldom be paid attention to in Indonesia, and surely for businessmen. Progressively the hoisterous of advertisement on television using child, even baby, as too attract consumer, designating bad condition walke the society opinion in its bearing with the ethics. Mostly society not yet earned to differentiate the exploitation with the advantage pursuit which is not impinge the business ethics.

Business practice run during the time still tend to to disregard the ethics, sense of justice and is very often coloured by the practice of business is not praised or moral hazard. Corruption, colusi, and nepotism which progressively extend in previous society only in storey level center and now extend to area.

This matter is indication that in this part of our society have caused the moral crisis by allowing all interest to be way of to reach the target, both individual target and also group target for the eksistensi of group continueing. all these Therapy is the understanding of, implementation and invesment of ethics and moral values to all business perpetrator and all political elite.

In relation to business ethics, especially business base on the Moslem law, understanding of all perpetrator the effort to economics of Moslem law during the time is still in a mood for side " emotional" and sometimes overrule the context of itself business. Though market segment from Moslem law economics is wide enough, both banking and also Moslem law insurance. Examplize the, conventional market segment, even does not " recognized" Moslem law system, but its potency is high enough. Concerning the business ethics implementation, some perpetrator have the ability to apply the the business ethics. But, because of understanding from each perpetrator about the business ethics difference during the time, hence the implementation is also differencen, existence of Ethics and moral of somebody or a group of people very depend on quality of social system. Although somebody or a group of people can try to control the quality of their moral and ethics, but as variable is easy can change to influence of quality of social system, quality of ethics and moral of anybody or a group of alterable people at any times.

To see the existing fact practice of business in this time, that tend to to disregard the ethics, and take no account of the society hence in creating business ethics, there are some matters which require to be paid attention to, for example : perpetrator of related party and business are able to have a command over the them selves in order not to obtain anything from whoever and in whatever form,Business perpetrator can develop the social responsibility to vinicity society, Maintaining spirit and is not easy to be unsolved of fast information growth and technologi, Creating healthy emulation , Applying concept " continuing development” where business perpetrator claimed not exploit environment, Avoiding the nature of 5K ( Katabelece, Hanky-Panky, Koneksi, Kolusi And Commission , Able to express that real correct real correct, Grow the attitude of doing among strong entrepreneur faction and weak entrepreneur faction., consecuen and consistent with the rule which have been agreed together, Creating the Awareness and sense of belonging to what have been agreed on, It is need the existence of some of business ethics poured in a positive law which is in the form of law and regulation.

Manifestly, behavior of business of having ethics to reflect th law added the action of society ethics, moral ( ethics), and its values. The innings formulation law to follow a action of society ethics and its result in per farm emerge two, that is the existence of a relation " give-and take" among " legal"and what " way of ethics". If moral represents people impeller to conduct the kindliness, hence ethics act as the fringes ( sign) representing agreement ready from all members of group. Business world which has moral will be able to develop the ethics directive guaranting well-balanced business activity, harmonic, and compatible. Ethics as fringe in a society group will be able to guide and remind its member to a laudable action ( good conduct) which must be always obeyed and executed. Ethics in business of course have to be agreed on by people who stay in the business group and also other related group. Of course in this case, to realize the ethics in have business need the transparent discussion among all party, ie entrepreneur, government, and also society nation not to only one just party running ethics whereas other party tread on to what they want. Its meaning, if related parties which do not know and agree the existence of moral and ethics, it’s clear what agreed on by mentioned business circle will never be realized. So, to yield an ethics in doing business guaranting the existence of caring between one party and other party need the discussing of global instructing to a harmless order whoever in economics.