Thursday, December 31, 2009

Chapter 5, Point 4

Illegal Immigrants As Employees

We know the illegal immigrants as employees is not permitted. The reason is break the law. But in fact, many companies employ illegal immigrants as employees. Of course the goal is to get employees with the low cost. And with employ the illegal immigrants, the company is not responsible with the social guaranty, e.g. in any accident and health problem.

The example we can see at Swift and company. The federal government raided six swift And Co. meat processing plants in several in 2006 and took 1300 illegal immigrant workers away from the company plants. Swift and Co. was not cited or fined by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) because it was able to produce identification for all the workers. However, the paperwork had been falsified.

In other side, the federal government is once again serious about cracking down on employers who hire undocumented workers. For business like Kawasaki’s, one of Baltimore’s best known sushi restaurants. The increased enforcement has forced their business into bankruptcy

From that example, we can take conclusion that illegal workers are always exist although against the law. Based on investigation, it is clear that the illegal immigrant as employees are increasing. For this matter, the federal government is trying to insist them with fine, along with other criminal form like harboring, money laundering or alien smuggling. This criminal had been be small business even corporate executive accountable. Why, it is cause to get private benefit. Importantly, the government must to care more about this problem, to uphold the justice and law, also keep human right.

Chapter 4, Point 7

The Glowing Recommendation

This point is tell one case about Robert Gadams that had been employed at many school but he has bad conduct, or we can say improper conduct to his student. He had mad sexual overture and made sexual remarks to students.

The fact case, we can see at occurrence befalling Randi. Randi W. is a thirteen year old minor who attended the Livingston Middle School where Robert Gadams served as vice principal. On 1, 1992, while Randi was in Gadams’s office, Gadams sexually molested Randi.

But is very strange here, although his improper conduct but many administrator of many school that he had been employed ( like the Livingston Middle School, The Tranquility high school district ) provide a letter of recommendation for Gadams. The letter was a part of Gadams’s placement file at Fresno Pacific College, where he had received his teaching credential. Even Gadams listed as favorable qualities or responsible.

From this case, we can conclude still a lot of unfair or anomaly in this life. Actually someone who wrong, and have bad conduct have to be punished, not to get special attention cause of his/her status. If is continuing, more people will do bad conduct without regret. And one thing that important, actually Robert Gadams as teacher have to carry well and can be example to his student.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Example Of Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), also known as corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, responsible business, sustainable responsible business (SRB), or corporate social performance,[1] is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. Ideally, CSR policy would function as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business would monitor and ensure its adherence to law, ethical standards, and international norms. Business would embrace responsibility for the impact of their activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere. Furthermore, business would proactively promote the public interest by encouraging community growth and development, and voluntarily eliminating practices that harm the public sphere, regardless of legality. Essentially, CSR is the deliberate inclusion of public interest into corporate decision-making, and the honoring of a triple bottom line: People, Planet, Profit.

It is important to know, that the CSR program is important to sustainable. Conducting going concern program of CSR will give the positive impact and good larger ones benefit to company itself in the form of company image and all related stake holder. For real example of CSR program which can be conduct by company is development of Bio Energy, People Plantation, and water power station of society self-supporting

The sustainability program of CSR expect can assist to create the more self-supporting and prosperous life in society. Every activity will entangle the spirit of synergy from all party continually develop build and create prosperity and in the end will create independence from society in concerned in the program, as according to its ability.

PT. Telecommunications of Indonesia Tbk ( Telkom), conducting The safari ramadhan as existing from implementation CSR. Activity of Safari Ramadhan represent the annual routine program performed by Telkom. The momentum of holy month exploited by Telkom management for "silahturahmi" by visit to work location by all head mount the Board of directors. Besides "silaturahmi" with the employees and also to check the readiness of network and service, at the time Telkom also channel the aid to institution that managing Reformatory, maisonette of pesantren and dhuafas as existing caring to humanity. Along with caring to serve the market and telecommunications industry as core business, Telkom non-stopped to give the added value to environment and society.

routinely, Telkom give the aid to society that need through corporate social responsibility program and Program of Partner and Construct The Environment ( PKBL). " Fund which is channeled by PKBL since year 2003 till 2008, reaching more than Rp 119 milliard, while in the year 2008 then Telkom have channeled the aid more than Rp 46 milliard. The fund channeled to six sector namely natural disaster aid, aid of increase education and society training, aid of increase society health, development assistance of prasarana and public utilities society, aid of increase religious activity and aid to continuation of environment .

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stakeholder of The Modern Corporation

The Attack On Managerial Capitalism

The legal argument : management can pursue market transactions with suppliers and customers in an unconstrained manner. But since the corporation is a legal person, exiting in contemplation of the law, managers of the corporation are constrained by law. The changes of legal system giving some rights to those groups that have a claim on the firm, example customers, suppliers, employees, local communities, stockholders and management. The law also has been progressively circumscribing the idea of managerial capitalism that propose interest and benefit should the firm be managed for the stockholder.

The economic argument : Managerial capitalism seek to maximize the interest of stockholders. Management espouses the invisible hand doctrine, therefore do not need intervene of government. But in fact, a lot of externalities, moral hazard, and monopoly power effect by this. Other side we can see many pollution of water and air. It effected by the firm that no one has incentive to incur the cost of clean-up or the cost of non pollution since the marginal gain of one firm’s actions small. Of course those problems can give bad impact for society. So the intervene of government is need as controller and regulator both business and market transactions.

Stakeholders Of The Modern Corporation

Of course we know that corporation have stakeholders , that is , group and individuals who benefit from or are harmed by and whose right are violated or respected by, corporate actions. The narrow definition includes those groups who are vital to the survival and success of the corporation. While the wide definition includes, individual ,any groups and any party also external environment who can effect or effected by the corporation.

In typical corporation we can see many stakeholders of this condition, i.e. owners, suppliers, employees customers, local community, and management.

· Owners have financial stake in the corporation in the corporation in the form of stocks, bonds, and so on, and they expect some kind of financial return from them.

· Suppliers, interpreted in stakeholder sense, are vital to success of the firm, for raw material will determine the final product’s quality and price.

· Employees have their jobs and usually their livelihood at stake, they often have specialized skills for which there is usually no perfectly elastic market.

· Customers exchange resources for the product of the firm and in return receive the benefits of the product.

· Local community grants the firm the right to build facilities and, in turn, benefit from the tax base and economic and social contribution of the firm.

· Management plays a special role in the modern corporation. Management, especially top management , must look after the health of the corporation, and this involves balancing the multiple claims of conflicting stakeholders.

Corporation and stakeholders is related each other. Very important to managing relation with stakeholders. One of the reasons is that managing can effect to the result of corporation like innovation that more success, rate of truth is wider among stakeholders, and the flexibilities of corporation is better. Other reason is the manage influencing performance of corporation.

The simple example, can we see at television channel like “RCTI”, why this channel can be liked. The reason is that channel know how important managing relation with stakeholders that is beholder or audience, celebrities, advertiser, subsidiaries of television station, also common/public group. Else example, when “Nike” want to resolve the condition of work problems at its factory branches, Nike work with many stakeholder like customers, suppliers, government, and compressor group in society.

The conclusion is the corporation or organization are not enough with corporation or organization itself. Corporation have interaction and influenced by its environment include stakeholders. Corporation depend on its environment as input sources, and as customers of its output.