Wednesday, October 27, 2010

E-government in Europe and Indonesia

E-government, based on The World Bank definition is the use of information technology by government offices for better services to people, business and to facilitate cooperation among government institutions. The use of E-government is expected to empower the community through public access to information resources available.

Based on the above definition, there are at least three important parts in the application of e-government. Firstly, e-government provides services and facilitates communication between government and communities. Secondly, e-government provides services and facilitates communication between government and business sector. Thirdly, e-government facilitates communication in intergovernmental and among government institutions.

the objectives to be obtained by implementing eGovernemnt is to create online customer and not in-line. EGovernment means to provide service without any intervenes from the employee of public institutions and long queue system only to get a simple service. Besides, eGovernment also aims to support good governance. The technology usage makes society easy to access information can reduce corruption by increasing transparency and accountability of public institutions. Egovernment can widen public participation in which society is likely to be actively in making decision/policy by government. In fact, the concept of eGovernment is to create a benevolence, comfortable, transparent, and cheap interaction between government and citizens (G2C-government to citizens), government and business enterprises (G2B-government to business enterprises) and relationship between governments (G2G-inter-agency relationship).

Egovenment with provide service through Internet can be divided into some levels; namely providing information, one way interaction, two ways interaction and transaction which means fully electronic service. The process of on-line collecting form is an example of two ways interaction. While fully electronic service signifies decision making and delivery (payment) process. Derived from available facts the most part of realization of eGovernment in Indonesia is merely at the level of web-publicized by the government or is solely at the level of giving information. Data of March 2002 indicate 369 government offices have opened their web-sites. However, 24 percent of the websites could not maintain the sustainability of operation time due to insufficient budget. At the present, there are only 85 websites that function with full options (Jakarta Post, 15 January 2003). In spite of this, it needs to be highlighted that eGovernment is not solely as web publicized by government. Providing service up to the level of full-electronic delivery service needs to be afforded.

Public institutions’ websites in Indonesia except could be accessed directly, could also be accessed through the entry point of Indonesia public institution which represents Indonesia national portal. From this website, a part from searching out information, the visitors could also access some public and media institution websites promptly.

Some models of eGovernment implementation that dominate all over the world at this moment are the service of citizens’ registration such as birth registration, marriage registration and address changing, tax calculation ( income tax, company tax, and custom duties), business registration, vehicle permits, and so on.

As a comparative study, we can observe the implementation of eGovernment in the European Union countries. The European Union is one of community that has applied eGovernment successfully. Only Canada, Singapore, and United States of America which have surpassed the European Union in the area of eGovernment. European Union itself has possessed a modern official website in which each citizen can access the latest information and policy as well as legal foundation of the government policy. At certain times, citizens even can interact in a straight line with the decision makers via chatting facilities ( By having a very big capacity portal, citizen can apply for job and on-he-job-apprentice at the institution. There still many other facilities which are provided by its websites. In order to motivate public service in executing eGovernment, eEurope awards ( are operated in the framework of facilitating sharing experience and mutual learning among the members of European Union.

Besides, the successful of eGovernment in Europe signifies public policy contribution which in line with the characteristics of eGovernment itself. Soft policy comprises of Open Method Coordination in the European eGovernment which started with wide and clear vision and followed by dissemination, benchmarking process, periodical monitoring, evaluation and review in twosome and is organized as mutual learning process has been attested successful in the framework of implementing eGoovernment in Europe.

In examining the details above and considering the existing condition, the practice of eGovernment in Indonesia is facing some challenges in particular encountered by government organizational. One of them is inadequate human resources. The application of eGovernment in the public officials needs to be supported by the employees who understand technology well. Which is also needed are the officials who motivate to learn and be able to manage change. Information technology changes fast so that the willpower to learn has to be owned by every public institutional employee. Moreover, eGovernment needs changes in organization and is supported by the latest skills. European Union as one of people which has been succeeded in implementing eGovernment defines eGovernment not merely as the usage of information technology rather the usage of information technology which is integrated with organization change and new skill within the scope of improving public service and the process of democracy along with supporting public policy. Governmental organization in Indonesia needs to be reorganized in order to apply eGovernment effectively. Corruption Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) which becomes generally adopted has some bearing on readiness in facilitating public access through information. If Corruption Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) do combat in advance there will be a shady character that will use the chances by impeding to obtain information. Corruption practice needs to be vanished in the scope of increasing service so that the ease obtained by eGovernment can be offered without emerging higher economic cost that should be paid by citizens. There is a need to create a system to put the citizens as the highest priority and the culture to serve. In another word, eGovernment is not just about technology but change of culture.

Making An Officialdom Management Information System As E-Government Implementation In Services Of BKN At Officialdom Sector

To realize the good Government, it is need start with the " Officialdom Reform". Officialdom Reform include : institutional, Settlement and Public Servant of Civil representing public personnel . Reform in officialdom sector have to be started from planning, recruitment and selection, education and practice, location, mutation and promotion, employ and prosperity until age security (pension) , this have to be integrated in one system of officialdom management. To develop the system of officialdom management needed a data of Public Servant Civil which complete and accurate that can reply the above challenge. To obtain the new data of PNS, The institute of State Officialdom have executing re-data The Public Servant Civil ( PUPNS) in 2003. This Result made as Benchmark in develop officialdom database.

From PUPNS result obtained that amount of PNS is 3.648.005 people. This amount is smaller than the estimate which during the time is always told about 4 million people. This number very have occasion because every year not less than Rp 3,2 quintillion of officer expense remit (return) to KPKN, and from the result of PUPNS also obtained that 341.316 PNS which not clear officialdom status, this matter explain how worse administration of officialdom, retired PNS, dying or desisting, the data of officialdom is not renew. Data of PNS is not up-todate, so that sum of PNS is unknown surely, and existing data is differ each other, and process to renew the data is not work properly, either in institution, and also Local Government.

Management system information of officialdom made to resolve the problems of BKN since 2004. This System represent the implementation E-Government in service of BKN at officialdom sector transparently and objective. This system, besides presenting relevant information with the officialdom, especially to increase service in sector of officialdom mutation, like for the promotion of position in office, stipulating NIP, move the region work, increase of education and status of PNS, retired and also other mutation. BKN have develop the application which can be accessed by all region officialdom institute or bureau of officialdom department/non department with filling form to access on-line to BKN

To socialize the management information system of officialdom, BKN have develop web in internet by address: http:/ This web represent the gate way to access the BKN, so that facilitate the information seeking about officialdom and if requiring information mount the regional can directly jointed to regional web because have been provided the connecting to correlate directly with nine regional office of BKN. Beside, this web load various information, for example all legislation and regulation that related to officialdom, statistical of PNS and procedures of service at officialdom sector. This web provide the facility for the question of and answer and entire incoming question will be replied by editorial board that slowest in 5 workday.

There is many type of application in officialdom services, namely : Application program to calculate the requirement PNS as according to needed formation and interest ; Application program for the stipulating of NIP; Application program for the promotion of position in office ; Application program for the mutation of other officer(officialdom) ; System of Observation and officialdom operation; Application program to convert the NIP in order to development of Single ID number PNS which multifunction ; Application program for the settlement of PNS document use the Office Automation System (OAS).


Many Steps to booking AirAsia Ticket

Doing trip without flight ticket is a substitution of existing flight ticket method in this time, what have been used by Airasia for a number of years. With the trip Without ticket, what your need to do, is make booking via internet and you'd be given, the Number / code Booking.

Where you want to booking an online ticket you must prepare many thing, like : Define your flight destination, Identification Card (ID card or driver's license, Passport) Credit Card (Visa and MasterCard) or Debit Card (Mandiri and BCA) and make sure if using a Debit Card, you have activated internet banking facilities and has had a token (key).

Know I want to tell you many steps to book online AirAsia.Com based on my experience :

First Sign in to, select the State of Indonesia and you can choose the Indonesian language to make you more easy. Then the web will show a ticket order form online, there is many text box, you must full fill it n choose some that suitable with your order. So that you can see, how much the cost you must pay.

Select whether you want one go or go-home. Select Departure and Destination , make sure all true. Select date of departure and return, always make sure the data entered is correct. Enter the number of guests and a baby (0-24 months), children over 2 years of full pay. Baby (infant) did not get a seat but subject to cost. After all data entered and checked once again, have a new click Search. To note that the airline only allows a maximum reservations for 9 people, so for group bookings need to register again.

There will be 2 types flight with different prices, promo and regular. Select the appropriate budget and your needs. After that check the approval and regulation AirAsia flight and click Continue . At this stage we are asked to fill Passenger data like Full Name, Date of Birth, Passport (if the flight to Foreign Affairs). We can also order luggage, food and other AirAsia services that are cheaper than buying during the flight or at check-in. So once again choose to suit your needs, I suggest if you will travel quite a lot better because the order when booking certainly cheaper. Then click Continue to select the Chair or Chair Without Choosing. Advance seat reservation will be charged. The cost for hot seat is differ from the Ordinary seat.

The next step is to choose the type of payment. AirAsia to provide 3 alternative ticket payment. First, both Visa Credit Card or MasterCard. Second, Direct Debit (for Bank Mandiri and Bank Central Asia). And finally, Gift Vouchers are vouchers given AirAsia party in case of interruption or delay in flights longer than 2 hours. Usually the value of vouchers is not more than Rp. 500.000,- depending on the case at hand. If you have Gift Vouchers do not forget to use before you choose to use other payment methods. Because the voucher would cut the number of bills according to the value stated on the voucher. The validity of this voucher is 3 months.

You can choose one of That alternative, and If payment is made, the travel itinerary AirAsia will be sent to your email address. All you need to do is print it and show it at check it at the airport. You are required to show ID card / driving license / passport when you check in.

So that is many steps to booking AirAsia ticket that can I tell you. Now we do not need to leave home or visit travel agents.